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Xu, Y., Shaw, S. L., Zhao, Z., Yin, L., Lu, F., Chen, J., ... & Li, Q. (2018). Another tale of two cities: Understanding human activity space using actively tracked cellphone location data. In Geographies of mobility (pp. 246-258). Routledge.

by lucky__lucy 2024. 9. 17.


- Activity space is an important concept in geography that describes the spatial extent, frequent locations, and movements of people’s daily activities


Literature rivew

- activity space

- activity space using cellphone location data

- clustering methods


Study area and data sets

- Shanghai and Shenzhen

- This article uses two actively tracked cellphone data sets collected weekly in Shenzhen (23 March 2012) and Shanghai (3 September 2012)



Individual mobility indicators

- It introduced daily activity range, which is defined as the maximum distance between all pairs of cellphone towers in T, to describe the spatial extent of an individual’s activity space

- They define an activity anchor point as a set of cellphone towers that are geographically concentrated and where an individual spent a certain amount of time


Estimation of individual home location

- they define the home location of an individual as the activity anchor point with a minimum of four hours of stay at the location before 7:00 a.m.


Building association rules

- Association rules have been widely used in business research to uncover items that are frequently purchased together


Analysis results

General statistics

- the majority of people in Shenzhen had only one or two activity anchor points in the study day

- It is still unclear, however, how the three determinants (N, R, and F) are related to each other in an individual’s activity space


Association rules of IMIs

- To generate the association rules, we first partition the three IMIs into intervals


Discussion and conclusion

- they develop several intuitive IMIs using cellphone location data to describe the major determinants of individual activity space

- they analyze how these mobility indicators (e.g., daily activity range, number of activity anchor points, and frequency of movement) can be combined to analyze an individual’s activity space

- First, quite a few people in both cities stay around one particular location for the whole day

- Second, for the majority of people in Shenzhen, a small activity space was usually enough to fulfill the needs of people’s daily activities

- Third, the geographic disparity of people’s travel range in Shenzhen is significant
