- 저소득층 사용 촉진에서 bikeshare system의 equity program이 e-scooter equity program보다 더 효율적으로 보임
1. Introduction
- spatial access, unaffordability, lack of digital literacy to access micromobility services, or without a bank account, smartphone, or data plan 때문에 소외계층이 shared micromobility를 이용하지 못하는 경우가 많음
- the equity of micromobility services의 이해는 교통 계획자와 정책 입안자가 서비스 격차를 줄이는 데 중요
- 연구 질문
- dockless e-scooter program이 equitable services를 제공하는가?
- shared e-scooter services가 docked bikesharing보다 더 equitable한가?
2. Literature review
3. Analytical framework and methods
4. Data
4.1. Shared E-scooter data
- 2019년 6-7월
- public APIs provided by each operator in the General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) format
- Type 1: 31,570 Lime and Spin trips; Type 2: 216,127 origins and 213,913 destinations of Bird and Lyft
4.2. Docked bikeshare data
- Capital Bikeshare's website
- 219,386 trips
4.3. Sociodemographic and employment data
- demographic and employment data from ACS and Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD)