- Research Objective:
- To address changes in human movement patterns using self-supervised learning
- Study Area:
- Lake Fire area in Los Angeles County in 2020
- Data:
- Geospatial coordinates of the fire burn edges attained from FRAP
- Human mobility data from SafeGraph and MapBox
- Methods:
- Self-supervised learning
- Spatio-temporal density-based clustering to group POIs
- Binary segmentation to detect change points in the aggregated activity series for each cluster
- Train a logistic regression model to estimate the probability of impact
- Self-supervised learning
- Results:
- The overall accuracy of the model was 75%
- Locations within 20 km of the fire edge and in the direction of the burn are most likely to be impacted
- Research Significance:
This study provides a predictive model to understand and predict human mobility responses to wildfires. Also, this model generates an impactedness label based on spatiotemporal clustering.